Category Archives: relaxing

Restful Sunday

Young Button sleeps in June of 2014

Young Button sleeps in June of 2014



Mitsu and the Homestead Colony cats



Late Sunday Nite Pounce

IMG00142To all newcomers to the Homestead, I think I’d better warn you that Mama Mitsu is a “Cat Lady”!!!

Ahem, Pounce here, looking cute as always, for a largish  cat. Right now, I’m the oldest cat in the colony, along with .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . .  .  .  .  .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. old man Gibbles. Ta da !!IMG00010

We sort of look like twins here, don’t ‘cha think? MM caught us just right. Of course, I tend to lay down in her path as she is traipsing around the homestead: here I’m on the house porch. I say “Aaaack aaaack” instead of what apparently most other cats say to humans. Gibbles she caught on her parents deck porch asleep. Look at those curled up hind feet and that front paw. I just know someone is going to “splort” as they say in the cutesy cat world. Sigh, I know. Silly but fun.

Anyway, I’ll be in and out of the homestead blog as it goes along and finds its voice/voices. Please to let us know if you are liking us, if you would, please.

Good night for now.

Later, taters.
